How to download offline copy of srd

Could someone help me figure out how to download the offline copy of your wonderful srd? THANKS!


  • There is an app called HTTRACK that you can google and then download and install on your computer. The app is kinda complicated but right now we don't have a good option for downloading srd sites, mostly because the sheer size of some of the sites. would be hundred of gigabytes in size when fully downloaded.

  • I'm interested in doing this and saving it to an external harddrive or USB, could you estimate how much space I'd need for all of the pathfinder 1e material? 
  • It would be... a lot. Maybe Matt can give some kind of estimate? @matt

  • This file from downloads page mentions files to download an offline copy, but no links and trying that file's directory or root directories says file not found:

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