Tower Shields, Enlarge Spells, and Extended Reach

edited January 2019 in d20PFSRD
New to the site, never played Pathfinder or DnD. Mostly just increasing my level of knowledge right now so I can make informed decisions when I DO decide to play, eventually. Learning is fun!

Anyways, the questions:

1) If a Tower Shield is set to provide total cover from a Cone Attack, does the blocked "safe" area behind a Tower Shield also have a cone shape? For example, if an enemy uses a 30ft cone fire attack, and your Tower Shield is set at 15ft from the enemy, does the safe area behind the tower shield become a 15ft cone?

2) Tower Shields can provide total cover along 5ft on one side of your character. I know equipment size increases along with your character when an Enlarge spell is used. Does the length of your total cover increase to 10ft if your Medium character enlarges to a Large character?

3) Verdant Bloodragers have a Supernatural Ability (Su) called Botanical Elasticity that increases their reach by 5ft as a swift action. Does this mean a Tower Shield can be placed for total cover 10ft away? Using the example from Q1 above, could the Tower Shield be placed at 10ft from the enemy without your character moving, and provide a 20ft cone of protection?

These may be pretty niche questions that depend on the DM, but if there's precedence, I'd like to find out first. I apologize in advance if my questions straight up break a rule of the game; like I said, I'm new to all this.


  • im really new to pathfinder but adapting reality into fantasy i would say 1) only if its a light based cone attack, otherwise like fire breath it would be under the influence of wind stream forms which can alternate depending on the form of the shield wind strenght then there is the heat aspekt which can lead to fluctance with air temperature around and so on.
    2) idk ive not read anything by now about an enlarge spell and im a bit baffled that it could increase equipment size. but hell yeah if it says so the equipment would increase by the given amount idk if it is just doubling but if so seems legit
    3)idk really that is beyond me
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