I plan on playing some sort of celestial being but I'm not sure what class would be most effective against demons. My personality doesn't fit well with a paladin or I would snatch that class up fast. So I'm looking for suggestions on what i should play
(If Pathfinder:)
Being a celestial being: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-aasimar
Cleric, oracle, warpriest, paladin or sorcerer/wizard with abjuration focus work well against outsiders. Inquisitors and rangers with demons as favored enemy work too.
(By the way: I think this is the forum category for suggestions concerning the OGN sites, posting it in the category for your system would clear up some confusion...)
You'd get a boosted favored enemy against demons and the spells which make the other divine classes better at demon-slaying.
Also, for Ranger there's an Alternate Class, the Spell-less Ranger from Kobold Press, which can be a lot more effective than the base class for certain builds. Not Archetype-compatible, although in it's source book there are some options to modify it, like exchanging Favored Terrain or extra favored enemies for more combat-style feats and such.