Pathfinder Brawler

Can a Brawler utilize the combat feat Seething Hatred?  It allows the brawler to access the Ranger's Favored Enemy Table.  If so, would the brawler pick one type of enemy and that is the only one or could he change the favored enemy each time he utilizes the seething hatred feat?  If he cannot us it, can you explain why?


  • Seems no reason not to if that is your wish. 
    But you would pick one and stick with it. 
    Because it is a Favored Enemy, not a Fickle Enemy. The point of Favored enemy is that the character perhaps has a grudge against one race, or a special desire to protect an area where they feel these creatures are a detriment. 
    If your Brawler got his butt handed to him by a Half Orc, or was kicked when he was down by a Dwarf, then he would take one of those as a Favored Enemy. Allowing a constant change is not the definition of Favored. 
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