Missing Arcane Exploits from Arcane Anthology

there are 3 arcane exploits from arcane anthology not on the arcane exploits page. all are on page 17 of pathfinder player companion arcane exploits and are as follows (i have remove setting specific information):

Arcane Discovery: An arcanist who selects this arcanist exploit learns an arcane discovery (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 86). When she learns an arcane discovery, her level must be high enough for her to qualify for that discovery, using half her arcanist level as her wizard level to determine whether she qualifies. The effects of any arcane discovery that she selects with this exploit apply only to arcanist spells that she casts, not to wizard spells, and she cannot select an arcane discovery in place of a feat (unless she also has wizard levels, in which case the discovery applies only to her wizard spells).

Philanthropic Magic (Su): Whenever the arcanist targets one or more allies (excluding herself ) with a spell, she can expend 1 arcane point from her arcane reservoir in order to grant those allies a number of temporary hit points equal to the spell’s level. These temporary hit points stack with temporary hit points from other sources, but temporary hit points from multiple uses of this exploit don’t stack with each other. The temporary hit points last 1 minute per caster level or until expended.

Primal Magic (Sp): The arcanist can expend 1 or more points from her arcane reservoir to create an uncontrolled primal effect. This creates an effect from the Sample Primal Magic Events table (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/primal-magic/#Sample_Primal_Magic_Events). The CR of this effect is equal to the arcanist’s caster level, to a maximum caster level of 5 per point spent from her arcane reserve. In this case, the effect is treated as a spell with a spell level equal to half its CR (maximum spell level 9).

Alternatively, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir and expend a spell slot of at least 3rd level to create an effect as if she has used a rod of wonder. Any spell created by the rod of wonder effect uses the arcanist’s spell level, rather than the spell level set by the rod of wonder table (for example a fireball created by an 8th level arcanist rolling on the rod of wonder table would deal 8d6, rather than the listed 6d6). In this case, the effect is treated as a spell with a spell level equal to the spell slot expended.


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