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  • @noisyninjaneer Aside from the grammatical errors and confusing text structure, the book keeping it'd need seems horrible.
  • itokro said: gnurro said: I'm well aware of the singular they, but don't think this answers my question? Indeed, it's the very existence of the singular they that makes the phrasing a…
  • "Without these tools, you must use improvised tools, and you take a –2 circumstance penalty on Disable Device checks." This means it works just like any other tool-dependant skill. If you try to do anything with an improvised tool you suffer the -2 …
  • Well, there's this archetype: You'd get a boosted favored enemy against demons and the spells which make the other divine classes b…
  • As I already use the size modifiers extensively in my homebrew campaign world, I can say that they're way more fun then flat bonuses. I have some races which "count as large despite being medium" which makes the tophat highly valuable to anyone faci…
  • Which system? (If Pathfinder:) Being a celestial being: Cleric, oracle, warpriest, paladin or sorcerer/wizard with abjuration focus work well against outsiders. Inquisitors and …
  • milatherose said: Trial and error is nice, but hey, Rule of cool is a big house rule. If its fun enough and it doesn't break the game. Shields technically count as light weapons. Can a rogue technically be a dual shield basher pacafist? Well it…
  • Trial, error and honest player feedback. Being able to explain the rules and their consequences, whereever they might occur, really helps too. House rules should also only add flavor to a campaign, not just make characters more powerful. Best way…